The prerequisites to install the MCTDH-X program are Fortran compilers (Intel, PGI or GNU). Fast Fourier transforms need to be provided by either Intel MKL or FFTW libraries. An FFTW source is included in the package and will be compiled during the installation if FFTW is selected. LAPACK routines also have to provided as a library - either within the Intel MKL, or, if selected an included OpenBLAS source will be compiled and linked.
A version of MPI, which provides an MPI Fortran compiler wrapper, such as mpif90, is also a prerequisite. For the successful compilation of the included Mercurial version management, python development headers have to be installed on the system.
In Debian-based Linux distributions just install the packages gfortran, libopenmpi-dev, openmpi-common, openmpi-bin with your package/software management.
In Ubuntu, for instance, you may do the following in terminal:
sudo apt-get install gfortran libopenmpi-dev openmpi-common openmpi-bin
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