Getting Started

Getting started

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Contact us:

For help or feedback join our Discord Server (preferred method) or send an email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Citing MCTDH-X:

If you have used MCTDH-X for your publication, please cite the following references:

 The MCTDH-X development is partly sponsored by the UnitaryFund.




Get involved:

If you are a programmer, developer, scientist, graphics expert or just computer enthusiast, motivated and like to contribute to this project: you are welcome! Improving the code, parallelizing modules, extending the solver to different scenarios (e.g., mixtures of bosons or fermions) and amending the graphics and usability of the package and the web page are in our priorities. For more details, take a look at the relevant forum thread (MCTDH-X development) where you can discuss on the improvements of the current code and also new project that we plan on undertaking, or ask to be a part of our MCTDH-X developers Discord server. If you feel you fit in, just let us know!



Hits: 75887