Journal Club for Quantum Physics and Machine Learning



Next Journal Club Meeting: TBA

Speaker: TBA

Affiliation: TBA

Title: TBA

Reference: TBA




Upcoming Journal Club meetings:

Date Time Speaker Affiliation Reference


Past Journal Club Meetings:

Date Time Speaker Affiliation Reference
27th June 2023 5:30pm CET João Augusto Sobral  University of Innsbruck

Machine learning microscopic form of nematic order in twisted double-bilayer graphene 


 30th May 2023 5:30pm CET  Valeria Cimini   Sapienza Università di Roma Deep reinforcement learning for quantum multiparameter estimation 
9th May 2023 5:30pm CET Marcel Rodekamp Forschungszentrum Jülich   Mitigating the Hubbard Sign Problem. A Novel Application of Machine Learning
2nd May 2023 5:30pm CET Laura Lewis California Institute of Technology   Improved machine learning algorithm for predicting ground state properties
18th April 2023 5:30pm CET Santiago Acevedo Institute of Physics of La Plata / SISSA Autoregressive networks as a variational Ansatz
4th April 2023 5:30pm CET Pietro Novelli Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Learning dynamics systems: an example from open quantum system dynamics
21st March 2023 5:30pm CET Frederik Wilde Freie Universität Berlin Scalably learning quantum many-body Hamiltonians from dynamical data
13th December 2022 6:00pm CET Michael Goerz Stanford University Quantum Optimal Control via Semi-Automatic Differentiation
29th November 2022 5:30pm CET Abigail McClain Gomez Harvard University Reconstructing quantum states using basis-enhanced Born machines
15th November 2022 5:30pm CET Nicolas Sadoune University of Munich / MCQST Unsupervised Interpretable Learning of Phases From Many-Qubit
 1st November 2022  5:30pm CET Flavia Alejandra Gómez Albarracín University of La Plata  Machine learning techniques to construct detailed phase diagrams for
skyrmion system
18th October 2022 5:30pm CET Riccardo Fabbricatore Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology Gradient
dynamics in reinforcement learning
4th October 2022   5:30pm CET  Bogdan Zviazhynski   University of Cambridge  Unveil the unseen: Exploit information hidden in noise
21st June 2022  5:30pm CET Javier Robledo Moreno Flatiron Institute / NYU

Fermionic wave functions from neural-network constrained hidden states


 7th June 2022 5:30pm CET   Francesco Carnazza   Universität Tübingen

 Machine learning Markovian quantum master equations of few-body observables in interacting spin chains

24th May 2022 5:30pm CET Niklas Käming  Universität Hamburg

 Unsupervised machine learning of topological phase transitions from experimental data


10th May 2022 5:30pm CET  Julian Arnold University of Basel

Replacing neural networks by optimal analytical predictors for the detection of phase transitions

26th April 2022 5:30pm CET Katerina Gratsea ICFO

Storage properties of a quantum perceptron 

12th April 2022 5:30pm CET  Anna Dawid  University of Warsaw / ICFO

Hessian-based toolbox for reliable and interpretable machine learning in physics


12th December 2021 5:30pm CET Jonathon Brown Queen's University Belfast Reinforcement learning-enhanced protocols for coherent population-transfer in three-level quantum systems
7th December 2021 5:30pm CET M. Michael Denner University of Zürich Efficient learning of a one-dimensional density functional theory
23rd November 2021  5:30pm CET Robert Huang California Institute of Technology Provably efficient machine learning for quantum many-body problems
9th November 2021  5:30pm CET Paolo Andrea Erdman Freie Universität Berlin  Identifying optimal cycles in quantum thermal machines with reinforcement-learning
26th October 2021  5:30pm CET Maciej Koch-Janusz  University of Zurich /  University of Chicago Relevant operators and symmetries through the lens of real-space mutual information
12th October 2021 5:30pm CET Moritz Reh Heidelberg University Time-dependent variational principle for open quantum systems with artificial neural networks
15th June 2021 4:30pm CET Nishad Maskara Harvard University A learning algorithm with emergent scaling behavior for classifying phase transitions
1st June 2021 4:30pm CET Rouven Koch Aalto University Neural network enhanced hybrid quantum many-body dynamical distributions
18th May 2021 4:30pm CET Wei Chen PUC Rio de Janeiro A supervised learning algorithm for interacting topological insulators based on local curvature
4th May 2021 4:30pm CET Agnes Valenti ETH Zürich  Scalable Hamiltonian learning for large-scale out-of-equilibrium quantum dynamics
20th April 2021 4:30pm CET Rui Lin ETH Zürich 

Minimal model of permutation symmetry in unsupervised learning


6th April 2021 4:30pm CET Miriam Büttner University of Freiburg

Learning Potentials of Quantum Systems using Deep Neural Networks


 23rd March 2021 4:30pm CET Luuk Coopmans Trinity College Dublin/Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies Protocol Discovery for the Quantum Control of Majoranas by Differential Programming and Natural Evolution Strategies
 9th March 2021 4:30pm CET Axel Lode University of Freiburg

Interpretable Phase Detection and Classification with Persistent Homology


 23rd February 2021  4:30pm CET Evert van Nieuwenburg University of Copenhagen A NEAT Quantum Error Decoder
 9th February 2021  3pm CET Shahnawaz Ahmed  Chalmers University of  Technology Classification and reconstruction of optical quantum states with deep neural networks 
 26th January 2021  3pm CET Julian Arnold  University of Basel Interpretable and unsupervised phase classification
 12th January 2021  3pm CET Paolo Molignini  University of Cambridge

Scientific intuition inspired by machine learning generated hypotheses


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