Special parameters to treat ultracold atoms in an optical cavity

To deal with a system of bosons in interaction with an optical cavity, i.e., a field of photons which in turn generates a one-body potential for the atoms through the dipole force, special input parameters have been defined. These are listed in the following table 4.2.

System Parameters Namelist
Parameter Meaning Options
Cavity_BEC Toggle cavity treatment Logical, default .F.
NCavity_Modes How many modes to take into account treating the cavity Integer, default 1
Cavity_PumpRate Rate, at which the laser is pumping the cavity (through the atoms) Real, default 0.d0
Cavity_LossRate Rate, at which photons are lost from the cavity Real, default 0.d0
Cavity_K0 Magnitude of the wave-vector defining the resonance frequency of the cavity Real, default 0.d0
Cavity_AtomCoupling Coupling strength of the atomic resonance to the pumping laser frequency Real, default 0.d0
Pump_Switch Is the pumping laser intensity ramped up exponentially, kept constant and then ramped down exponentially? Logical, default .F.
RampupTime Time over which the pump laser intensity is increased linearly up to Cavity_PumpRate. Real, default 0.d0
RampdownTime Time over which the pump laser intensity is kept constant at Cavity_PumpRate. Real, default 0.d0
PlateauTime Time over which the pump laser intensity is decreased linearly to 0.d0. Real, default 0.d0
Pump_Oscillate Does the pump power oscillate [as $ \epsilon \sin(\omega_p t )$] when it reached the plateau in the exponential ramping procedure? Logical, default .F.
Pump_Amplitude Amplitude $ \epsilon$ of the oscillation of the pump power in units of Cavity_PumpRate. Real, default 0.d0
Pump_Period Period $ \omega_p$ of the oscillation of the pump power. Real, default 0.d0.
X_Cavity_Pump_Waist Gaussian envelope's width for pump laser for two-dimensional systems Real, default 0.d0
Cavity_Mode_Waist Gaussian envelope's width for cavity mode in two-dimensional systems Real, default 0.d0
Error_Rescale_Cavity Parameter in the integration namelist to rescale the error tolerance of the integrator of the cavity equation of motion Real, default 1.d0

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