The input of the analysis program

The analysis.inp file contains the desired quantities of analysis and specifies, for which points in time these are needed. and table 8 for all currently available parameters in the analysis program and their meaning.
Table 8: MCTDH-X analysis parameters
Parameter Meaning Options
Time_From Time from which to start analysis. Real, no default.
Time_to Time at which to stop analysis. Real, no default.
Time_Points Time points in analysis. Integer, no default.
Total_Energy Comupte the total, kinetic, potential and interaction energies Logical, default .F.
Orbitals_Output Create ASCII orbital output. Logical, default .T.
FTOrbitals_Output Create ASCII Fourier-transformed orbital output. Logical, default .F.
Coefficients_Output Create ASCII coefficients output. Logical, default .T.
MatrixElements_Output Output of reduced one-body and two-body density matrix elements. Logical, default .F.
HamiltonianElements_Output Output of one-body and two-body Hamiltonian matrix elements. Logical, default .F.
GetA Partial sums on the two-body Hamiltonians' matrix elements Logical, default .F.
Dilation Factor to dilate real space in order to obtain better k-space resolution (Only touched if AutoDilation is false) Integer, default $ 1$
AutoDilation Toggle if threshold Kdip is used to evaluate optimal dilation for FFTs (only for one-dimensional computations!) Logical, default .F.
Kdip Threshold to compute optimal dilation for FFTs if AutoDilation is true Real, default $ 0.0001$
Density_x Output of diagonal of one-body density in space. Logical, default .F. .
Density_k Output of diagonal of one-body density in momentum space. Logical, default .F. .
Pnot Computation of nonescape probability $ P_{not}$? Logical, default .F.
xstart Where does the integration on the density for $ P_{not}$ start? Real, no default.
xend Where does the integration on the density for $ P_{not}$ stop? Real, no default.
ystart Where does the integration on the density for $ P_{not}$ start? Real, no default.
yend Where does the integration on the density for $ P_{not}$ stop? Real, no default.
zstart Where does the integration on the density for $ P_{not}$ start? Real, no default.
zend Where does the integration on the density for $ P_{not}$ stop? Real, no default.
Phase Computation of the phase? Logical, default .F. .
Gradient Computation of the phase gradient? Logical, default .F. .
Cavity_Order Computation of cavity order parameter Logical, default .F. .
Correlations_X Computation of spatial correlation functions on the full grid? Logical, default .F. .
Correlations_K Computation of momentum correlation functions on the full grid? Logical, default .F. .
StructureFactor Output of dynamic structure factor and local correlation functions Logical, default .F. .
xref x value of reference point of dynamic structure factor Real, default 0.d0
yref y value of reference point of dynamic structure factor Real, default 0.d0
zref z value of reference point of dynamic structure factor Real, default 0.d0
Correlation_Coefficient Output of correlation coefficient $ \tau=\frac{\langle \vec{r}_1 \vec{r}_2 \rangle - \langle \vec{r} \rangle^2}{ \langle \vec{r}^2 \rangle - \langle \vec{r} \rangle^2}$ Logical, default .F. .
Geminals Toggle output of natural geminal occupations in GO_PR.out Logical, default .F. .
FullGeminals Toggle output of natural geminals in <time>NzMy-x-geminals.dat files Logical, default .F. .
corr1restr Computation of spatial first order correlation functions on a restricted grid? Logical, default .F. .
xini1 Restricted grid start Real, no default.
xfin1 Restricted grid stop Real, no default.
xpts1 Number of grid points for restricted grid. Integer, no default.
corr1restrmom Computation of spatial correlation functions on a restricted momentum grid? Logical, default .F. .
kxini1 Restricted grid start Real, no default.
kxfin1 Restricted grid stop Real, no default.
kpts1 Number of grid points for restricted grid. Integer, no default.
corr2restr Computation of spatial second order correlation functions on a restricted grid? Logical, default .F. .
xini2 Restricted grid start Real, no default.
xfin2 Restricted grid stop Real, no default.
xpts2 Number of grid points for restricted grid. Integer, no default.
corr2restrmom Computation of momentum second order correlation functions on a restricted grid? Logical, default .F. .
kxini2 Restricted grid start Real, no default.
kxfin2 Restricted grid stop Real, no default.
kpts2 Number of grid points for restricted grid. Integer, no default.
lossops Loss operators, i.e., projectors on $ N=2$ Hilbert space. Logical, default .F. .
border Border partitioning $ N=2$ Hilbert space for evaluation of the loss operators. Real, no default.
Entropy Computation of diverse entropy measures Logical, default .F. .
NBody_C_Entropy Computation of entropy of matrix elements of full $ N$-body density matrix Logical, default .F. .
TwoBody_Entropy Computation of entropy of $ 2$-body density matrix Logical, default .F. .
SingleShot_Analysis Toggle the output of random deviates of the N-body density matrix. Logical, default .F.
SingleShot_FTAnalysis Toggle the output of random deviates of the N-body momentum density matrix. Logical, default .F.
NShots Number of single shots (random deviates of the N-body density) to compute. Integer, default $ 10$
CentreOfMass Toggle sampling of centre-of-mass operator Logical, default .F.
CentreOfMomentum Toggle sampling of centre-of-momentum operator Logical, default .F.
ShotVariance Toggle computation of integrated variance of single shots Logical, default .F.
NSamples Number of samples to make from the centre-of-mass operator Integer, default $ 10000$
anyordercorrelations_X toggle output of higher order correlations $ \rho^{(p)}(\vec{r}_{ref},...,\vec{r}_{ref},\vec{r}_{order-1},\vec{r}_{order-2})$ Logical, default .F.
anyordercorrelations_X toggle output of higher order correlations $ \rho^{(p)}(\vec{r}_{ref},...,\vec{r}_{ref},\vec{r}_{order-1},\vec{r}_{order-2})$ Logical, default .F.
order specify order up to which correlation functions are to be output Integer, default $ 10$
oneD toggle output of correlations with one free variable $ \vec{r}_{order}$ Logical, default .T.
twoD toggle output of correlations with two free variables $ \vec{r}_{order-1}$ and $ \vec{r}_{order}$ Logical, default .F.
c_ref_x x value of reference point for higher order correlations Real, default 0.d0
c_ref_y y value of reference point for higher order correlations Real, default 0.d0
c_ref_z z value of reference point for higher order correlations Real, default 0.d0
MOMSPACE2D Output of 2D correlation functions' $ g^{(1)}(\vec{r}'_1\vert \vec{r}_1)$ and $ g^{(2)}(\vec{r}'_1, \vec{r}_1)$ in slices? Logical, default .F. .
REALSPACE2D Output of 2D momentum correlation functions' slices? Logical, default .F. .
REALSKEW2D Output of 2D skew correlation function $ g^{(1)}(\vec{r} \vert - \vec{r};t)$ and $ g^{(2)}(\vec{r}_1, - \vec{r}_1;t)$? Logical, default .F. .
MOMSKEW2D Output of 2D skew momentum correlation function $ g^{(1)}(\vec{k} \vert - \vec{k};t)$ and $ g^{(2)}(\vec{k}_1, - \vec{k}_1;t)$? Logical, default .F. .
x1const Keep X-coordinate of first position (momentum) $ \vec{r}_1$ ( $ \vec{k}_1)$) constant? Logical, default .T. .
x1slice At which value to keep the X-coordinate of $ \vec{r}_1$ ( $ \vec{k}_1)$)? Real, default $ 0.0$.
y1const Keep Y-coordinate of first position (momentum) $ \vec{r}_1$ ( $ \vec{k}_1)$) constant? Logical, default .T. .
y1slice At which value to keep the Y-coordinate of $ \vec{r}_1$ ( $ \vec{k}_1)$)? Real, default $ 0.0$.
x2const Keep X-coordinate of second position (momentum) $ \vec{r}'_1$ ( $ \vec{k}'_1)$) constant? Logical, default .F. .
x2slice At which value to keep the X-coordinate of $ \vec{r}'_1$ ( $ \vec{k}'_1)$)? Real, default $ 0.0$.
y2const Keep Y-coordinate of second position (momentum) $ \vec{r}_1$ ( $ \vec{k}_1)$) constant? Logical, default .F. .
y2slice At which value to keep the Y-coordinate of $ \vec{r}'_1$ ( $ \vec{k}'_1)$)? Real, default $ 0.0$.
PROJ_X Calculate effective density one-dimensional potential $ V_{eff}= \int d\xi \sum_{ij} \rho_{ij} \phi_i^*(x,y,t) \phi_j(x,y,t)$, where $ \xi=x$ and/or $ y$ Logical, default .F. .
DIR Specifying the direction for the effective one-dimensional potential. Character, `X' means $ \xi=x$, `Y' means $ \xi=y$ and `B' means both $ \xi=x$ and $ \xi=y$ are computed.
L_z Computation of angular momentum eigenvalue and matrix elements. Logical, default .F. .

This documentation of the variables in the analysis.inp is also available in the html code documentation and the in-line documentation of the example file. After an appropriate modification, the program can be run (in an interactive shell) by typing

or by using/adapting/submitting one of the example PBS scripts in the PBS_Scripts directory and submitting the computation into the queue of a job scheduling system.

The analysis can be run after a computation has finished and the modification of the analysis.inp file with the following command:

After the analysis program terminated successfully, ASCII files (structured as specified in the file documentation/Analysis_output_documentation) are in the working directory of the program. These files can be visualized using e.g. gnuplot or any other visualization software for data.

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