The directory Visualization_Scripts contains several bash scripts to process the ASCII output of an MCTDHX_analysis run into .mpg or .avi movies. For a list of the currently available scripts and their function, see Table 9.
The way in which this is achieved, is by first processing the output files of an an MCTDHX_analysis run with mctdhx_gnuplot and produce a time-series of images. Subsequently, this time-series of images is encoded as a movie file using mctdhx_mencoder. mctdhx_gnuplot and mctdhx_mencoder are installed on your platform from the source tarball in the subdirectory External_Software by the MCTDH-X installation script. The automated way of using the visualization scripts is through the visualization master script. The Visualisation Master Script ( is a short bash script that can be used to conveniently facilitate the creation of videos from a computation's data. To use, just run it with the command
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