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auxiliary_routines Module Reference

Public Member Functions

subroutine get_nos (PSI, NOs, Natvec, reverse)
 Get the Natural Orbitals from a set of working orbitals, or. More...
subroutine apply_spin (Psi_spin, Psi_in, direction)
 According to the number of components, this routine applies spin matrices to the input spinor orbital Psi_in. The output is Psi_spin and direction is an integer to select the spin matrix, 1->x;2->y;3->z. More...
subroutine get_ijk_from_m (m, gdimx, gdimy, i, j, k)
 The routine returns the indexes i,j,k for a 3D array given m, the index of a 1D array of a vector that stores the ijk-th element in the position m=i+gdimx(j-1)+gdimy*gdimx*(k-1) [(ijk) start with (111)]. More...
subroutine get_fftmom (xi, xf, gdim, mom)
 returns momentum grid in fft order xi - left border of box xf - right border of box ( =last grid point + dx) gdim - number of grid points mom - array of momentum space grid points in FFT order More...
subroutine get_mom (xl, xu, gdim, mom, dilation)
 returns momentum grid in ascending order More...
subroutine getdoubleasstring (x, doubleString)
 Writes a real number in ten digit format to a character for naming files. More...
complex *16 function,
dimension(:), pointer 
getarray (array, shape_)
complex *16 function,
dimension(:,:,:), pointer 
get3dfrom1darray (array, shape_)
character(len=20) function inttostr (k)

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine auxiliary_routines::apply_spin ( complex*16, dimension(ndvr_x*ndvr_y*ndvr_z,nlevel)  Psi_spin,
complex*16, dimension(ndvr_x*ndvr_y*ndvr_z,nlevel)  Psi_in,
integer  direction 

According to the number of components, this routine applies spin matrices to the input spinor orbital Psi_in. The output is Psi_spin and direction is an integer to select the spin matrix, 1->x;2->y;3->z.

Referenced by kineticenergyaction::apply_soc(), and localinteractionpotential::get_multilevelinteractionoperatoraction().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

complex*16 function, dimension(:,:,:), pointer auxiliary_routines::get3dfrom1darray ( complex*16, dimension(1), target  array,
integer, dimension(:)  shape_ 
subroutine auxiliary_routines::get_fftmom ( real*8  xi,
real*8  xf,
integer, intent(in)  gdim,
double precision, dimension(gdim), intent(out)  mom 

returns momentum grid in fft order xi - left border of box xf - right border of box ( =last grid point + dx) gdim - number of grid points mom - array of momentum space grid points in FFT order

subroutine auxiliary_routines::get_ijk_from_m ( integer, intent(in)  m,
integer, intent(in)  gdimx,
integer, intent(in)  gdimy,
integer, intent(out)  i,
integer, intent(out)  j,
integer, intent(out)  k 

The routine returns the indexes i,j,k for a 3D array given m, the index of a 1D array of a vector that stores the ijk-th element in the position m=i+gdimx(j-1)+gdimy*gdimx*(k-1) [(ijk) start with (111)].

Referenced by localinteractionpotential::apply_interactionoperator(), localinteractionpotential::compute_interactionelements(), localinteractionpotential::compute_localinteraction_fft(), auxiliary_analysis_routines::convolute_singleshot(), analysis_routines_onebody::density_nonescape(), auxiliary_analysis_routines::drawfromdensity(), analysis_routines_onebody::get_1bodydiag(), analysis_routines_onebody::get_1bodydiag_nlevel(), analysis_routines_twobody::get_2bentropy(), analysis_routines_onebody::get_2d_1bodydiag_dilated(), analysis_routines_onebody::get_2d_1bodydiag_dilated_nlevel(), analysis_routines_manybody::get_anyordercorrelations(), cavitybec::get_atom_pump_cavityexpectations(), orbital_equationofmotion::get_bh_integrals(), cavitybec::get_cavityaction(), analysis_routines_onebody::get_cavityorderparameter(), analysis_routines_manybody::get_corr_loc_frag(), analysis_routines_twobody::get_corr_one_restricted(), analysis_routines_2d::get_corr_slice(), analysis_routines_twobody::get_corr_two_restricted(), analysis_routines_twobody::get_correlations(), analysis_routines_twobody::get_correlations_nlevel(), analysis_routines_twobody::get_correlationsskewdiagonal1d(), analysis_routines_2d::get_correlationsskewdiagonal2d(), auxiliary_fftroutines::get_derivative_2d(), get_interparticle_potential(), auxiliary_analysis_routines::get_m_0_from_xyz(), analysis_routines_onebody::get_phase(), analysis_routines_manybody::get_singleshot(), analysis_routines_twobody::get_structurefactor(), analysis_routines_twobody::lossops_two_bosons(), anyons::step_anyons_tdmc(), input_output::write_anyons(), and input_output::write_bh().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine auxiliary_routines::get_mom ( double precision, intent(in)  xl,
double precision, intent(in)  xu,
integer, intent(in)  gdim,
double precision, dimension(gdim), intent(out)  mom,
integer, optional  dilation 
subroutine auxiliary_routines::get_nos ( complex*16, dimension(ndvr_x*ndvr_y*ndvr_z,morb), intent(in)  PSI,
complex*16, dimension(ndvr_x*ndvr_y*ndvr_z,morb), intent(out)  NOs,
complex*16, dimension(morb,morb), intent(in)  Natvec,
logical, optional  reverse 

Get the Natural Orbitals from a set of working orbitals, or.

Referenced by optimalcontrol::get_infidelities(), analysis_routines_2d::get_lz(), and analysis_routines_onebody::get_phase().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

complex*16 function, dimension(:), pointer auxiliary_routines::getarray ( complex*16, dimension(1), target  array,
integer, dimension(:)  shape_ 
character(len=20) function auxiliary_routines::inttostr ( integer, intent(in)  k)

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