The output of the MCTDH-X analysis software is toggled with the input file analysis.inp as described in the table 8. Generally there are two kinds of different output file structures. Some analysis quantities are scalar and their time series will be saved in a single file, like e.g., the nonescape probability and some other quantities need one file per point in time, like e.g., the density or momentum density.
Orbitals_Output and Coefficients_Output toggle the output of the files <time>orbs.dat and <time>coefs.dat - their structure is the same as when one sets the variable Write_ASCII in the main programs input to .T., see tables 14 and 15.
The structure of the output files generated by setting the respective analysis variables is collected in Appendix
in tables 22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36, and 37.
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