Which_Interaction and Interaction_Type |
Description |
Potential |
'gauss' and  |
Gaussian interparticle interaction of width Interaction_Width |
0 |
Contact interaction with constant strength  |
'cos' and  |
Contact interaction with time-dependent strength
'sin' and  |
Contact interaction with time-dependent strength
'TDHIM' and  |
Time-dependent version of the harmonic interaction model |
'TDgauss1' and  |
Gaussian interaction with width Interaction_Width and time-dependent amplitude |
'TDgauss2' and  |
Gaussian interaction with width Interaction_Width at that is time-dependently modulated |
'lennart_j' and  |
- Screened Lennart-Jones potential |
'HIM' and  |
Harmonic interaction model |